The guest bathroom before and after. These cabinets turned out nicer than the master bathroom.
These are the master bathroom cabinets before and after. The colors don't show well in these photos. Very strange light on this day.
The shower before and after. You can see a glimpse of the shower curtain in the before photo. It really didn't even match very well.
We still have the weird metallic wallpaper in the master bathroom. As strange as it is I have come to appreciate the work someone put in to somehow matching the pink and blue together. It isn't in the best shape and will need to eventually be pulled down and painted. I am still not sure on what color to go with. I kind of like the idea of white. It seems like a nice neutral way to tone down the pink and blue. But, I also worry about the idea of adding a third color to the bathroom even though the toilets are white. Maybe it would look a bit sleeker if I stuck to one of the colors that is already in there. I will not have more pink in that bathroom but I thought about a blue that is the exact same shade as the tile. I believe that is the original color of the bathroom. I think originally the trim was even blue. I think all of the trim in the house was the same color as the paint. I wasn't sure how I would like that and have had a hard time imagining it. I have previously posted about painting the bedroom trim white. In the kitchen we painted the trim around the windows the same color as the walls because all of the other trim on that floor is wood so I was afraid the white might stand out. It turns out that I really like the colored trim!! It looks very sleek! I would like to try it in the bathroom. My only concern is that there is a white louver closet door in each bathroom. I'm not sure what to do with those. I can't imagine trying to paint them. And, I don't know if I can imagine them being blue! So, I'm still open to bathroom suggestions! You can see my other bathroom posts here and posts about bathroom colors here and here as well as a post about the bathroom wall hangings here.
Bathroom Closet Door |
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