Yesterday, the flooring people finally began on the floors in the house. I decided to stop by at about 3PM and see what was going on. The entryway tile was pulled up and the terrazzo was looking good on the main floor. All of the upstairs carpet was gone. The cork up there looked good. It was very worn but I'm sure when they sand it, it will look good. There was a gap between the cork and both bathroom thresholds. I'm sure it can be filled in or covered with some kind of transition strip. I just hope the floor people will take care of it so that we don't have to. There is a corner broken out of just one of the cork tiles in the master bedroom. Hopefully, they plan on filling that also. So, upstairs and and the main floor are looking good. Though we haven't seen the kitchen yet. The top layer of the linoleum is gone but the paper backing is still stuck to the floor. There was only one layer which was a good thing. They are going to use a chemical to remove the paper and doesn't sound like they are expecting any problems with that.
This is the pile of carpet, padding and tiles under the carport that have been removed from the house. |
The basement is another story. The carpet has been pulled out of the basement den and the cork has water damage which we were expecting. The plan is to remove that cork but it hasn't happened yet. All of the tile in the basement hallway has been removed except right at the bottom of the steps. There is gross, gross, gross glue coating the floor completely where the tile was. You can't even see the cement. This glue was the biggest concern the flooring people had. So, hopefully it comes up fairly easily with their chemicals and other magic tricks.
The family room has 5 (I believe) spots on the floor where the dog kennel fencing was. It looks worse than I expected. There was one exposed dog kennel spot in the laundry room and it isn't bad. They already told me it wouldn't be a problem. I was hoping the spots in the family room would be the same. I haven't been able to look at the spots in the family room close up because the floor is too yucky to walk across. I could see it through the back window though. There are big white circular spots on the floor. It looks almost like paint but we think it is actually cement that was used to fill in holes were the dog kennel fence posts were. Maybe just a different color than the rest of the cement. So, again I hope the flooring people can work some magic because right now it is a pretty big mess.
The circles in the family room floor taken through the back window while standing outside. There are 2 more circles not in the picture. The dark strip at the top of the picture is glue from tile against the back wall. That strip used to be tiled hallway |
We are not sure what we are going to do with the steps right now. They are covered just on the top with some kind of linoleum. It actually looks very nice and we don't mind it. It could use buffing or whatever they do to make that stuff look shiny and new. One of the workers recommended getting oak stair treads to replace the tops of the steps since there is plywood under the linoleum (we think). I am supposed to get a call from the "boss" to discuss the steps. Hopefully they can help us decide what would be best. Speaking of the workers. They were these young boys who loved our house! They were totally intrigued by all of the weird little gadgets it has.
The steps with linoleum on them. The right corner of the bottom step is the only damage because the flooring people pulled on it to see what it was and what was underneath. There are still tack strips down and you can see the entry way tile to the right which has now been removed along with the tack strips. |
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